Sunday, September 13, 2009


My Reflexion on past and present events.

On May 23, 1856 during a session of Congress in Philadelphia, Charles Sumner a Senator from Massachusetts, gave an impassioned speech directed against Senator Andrew Butler of South Carolina, and the evils of slavery. The Butler family, collectively, were the largest slave owners in the country.

A 37 year old junior senator from South Carolina, a relative of the Butlers, Preston Brooks, became outraged over Sumner's attack on his mentor, his family, and his state. Brooks physically attacked Sumner with a cane; beat him so badly about the head, caused injuries so serious, Sumner was absent from his seat in Congress for a year. It took Sumner years before he fully recovered from the attack. A full-fledge fight between the sections nearly erupted in the halls of Congress. A few weeks after this near riot in Congress, on June 12, 1856, Andrew Butler gave such an impassioned defense of Brooks that the move to expel Brooks failed. Brooks received only a Reprimand from Congress.

When Brooks returned to South Carolina, he was hailed as a hero. He was given SILVER CANES by supporters to commemorate and show support for his caning of Sumner.

Ironically, on January 27, 1857, Brooks who had been ill with a sore throat and fever for a few days, took a sudden turn for the worse, was suddenly stricken with a "spamodic paroxysm" that impared his breathing and within moments, he was dead! A further irony occurred when Andrew Butler, the Brooks defender, died almost a year later to the day that Brooks caned Sumner.

Even though Andrew Butler and Preston Brooks did not live to see the Civil War, the disruption brought in the halls of Congress in 1856 by their actions, could be viewed as the opening blows leading to the Civil War!

Thursday, July 30, 2009


By R. F. Boyd Nashville, The Citizen-1895

We need good, honest painstaking, courteous and obliging businessmen in every village, town and city in the South. These men should receive the entire support of the race; and they could not fail to succeed. Our people make enough money to support not only retail houses but wholesale stores as well. Why should not our people spend their money with men of the race? Other races trade with and patronize their own. With the full confidence and patronage of our own people we would soon have rich merchants and capitalists carrying on large business enterprises in every section of this country that would demand the respect and recognition of the world. Then prejudice o account of color would vanish and the iniquitous legislation against the race in the South would cease, and every unjust law would be wiped from the statues.

I know that it is said colored men will not give the proper respect to their patrons nor will they stick to their business closely. If this was true, there is no reason why it shall be true in the future. Better things are both expected and demanded of us. The dark cloud of ignorance, superstition, jealousy, envy and race hatred which hung over us at the time of our liberation has been rent in twain and is vanishing before education and intelligence. Why not? We live in the most progressive age of the world's history. Here we are in the evening of the ninetieth century, where inventions and discoveries are seen on every hand. Here we have steam cars that carry us along at a rate of more than one hundred miles per hour, telegraph by which thought flies around the world at the twinkle of an eye, telephones by which we can converse with persons and recognize their voices hundreds of miles away, and gas and electricity meet our gaze wherever we go. Then why should we not change from false ideas of slavery and walk in the light that God has given us. There is no reason we should remain longer in the dark. Then let us come together and help one another in every laudable undertaking. In unity there is strength.

Don't imagine because a colored man prospers in business, buys a horse and buggy and can turn out with a respectable showing on public drives that he has the "big head;" but rather be proud of him and his success. Trade with him, talk him up everywhere you go, and point the youth to him as an example of what they may be.

Throw away this old spirit of envy, jealousy and race hated. Cultivate patriotism and race pride. Go several blocks, yes go a mile if necessary to trade with a good, honest Negro in business. The Irish, Jews, Germans and others peoples are recognized and respected by nations, only as they are united and held together. All races of America are united except ours, in helping one another by their speech, by their pen, by their vote and with their money. We must do the same. In this way only can we rise as a people. I look forward with great hope for the day when our people shall know and do the right. God grant that it shall come speedily.